The ability to visualize is not simply a binary.
Hyperphantasia describes the ability to have exceptionally vivid mental imagery. This is the top of the spectrum an ability only present in around 3% of people. Those with this are able to call up even minute details like texture, shade, and movement with ease and precision. Some might have enhanced ability in experiencing other mental sensations too.
Most people fall somewhere in the middle. Most of them can visualize, but not to an astonishing degree of depth. Some may be closer to hyperphantasia, and have an enhanced visualization ability, or other senses. Others may have a weakened ability, and doing it might take them more effort or result in less detail.
Then aphantasia, which many of us are familiar with, is the lower end of this spectrum, constituting a complete lack of voluntary visualization.
However, even for those with aphantasia, visualization levels can vary. Some have what has been called "total aphantasia", meaning in addition to lacking the ability to visualize, they lack any other mental senses. Touch, taste, smell, even hearing aren’t able to be called up at command for those with total aphantasia. Others are only blind in their mind’s eye and are still able to experience other sensations mentally.
Personally, I believe I lack all the mental senses other than hearing, which I suspect is the case in many aphants. What about you, can you visualize?